I've received quite a few messages varying in quality from men of different ages and backgrounds. When composing an email, the sender has an unlimited amount of time to draft and revise the message. Because of this, I tend to be very critical when reading the emails that I receive. A message that simply reads "Hi" or has numerous grammatical errors or misspellings does not evoke a response from me. I appreciate when a man mentions what on my profile interested him, what we have in common, and more about himself. On June 29th I received an email from Nate on Match.com that was short and simple yet refreshingly genuine.
Nate is a 27 year old engineer's assistant from York, PA. He went to school for film, but did not pursue a career in that field though he is currently writing two screenplays. Nate is only 5'10" (I prefer taller men) and average looking but he is active which keeps him in shape and has soft blue eyes. He has a very mild temperament and a great sense of humor.
After communicating over the internet and phone for about two weeks, we agreed to met at Shady Grove this past Monday for drinks. During our date we spent a lot of time talking about movies, TV shows, and books. We're both Netflix junkies and enjoy the occasional book. We share a lot of common interests and were able to make recommendations to each other about movies and TV shows to watch and books to read.
During our conversations we learned that we are both introverted cynics. We both enjoy living alone because the activity of entertaining someone at night after interacting with people all day can be tiresome. We agreed that it is nice to come home with the option to spend time with friends or to not be bothered. We both like watching and attending sporting events but we are unwilling to make the emotional commitment it takes to be a fan. Neither of us are sure if we want to get married and having children seems to be out of the question.
Being on a date with Nate was like being on a date with my introverted self; there were a few quiet and awkward silences. Because I am an introvert, I usually date men that are more extroverted and outgoing which seems to be a good balance for me. But of course there is an exception to every rule. Nate seems like a very kind and genuine person and I enjoyed our conversations. Will I go on another date with him you ask? Why yes. I am seeing him tomorrow night.